March 23, 2015

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How to Attract Local Patients to Your Aesthetic or Medical Practice, Part 2

Help more aesthetic patients find you with blogging services from EggStream Marketing.

© Tom Wang -

Helping local patients find your aesthetic practice online is one of the most effective ways to grow your business. This is because potential patients in your area are searching for the treatments and procedures you perform.

Therefore, if you're not getting found when they're essentially losing those patients to your competition.

Last time, I wrote about how you can use social media, local SEO optimization, and online reviews to boost your chances of getting found first. You can catch my first post here if you missed it.

In today's blog, I'm going to discuss how to create fresh & engaging content that helps more local patients find you online.

Blogging for Aesthetic Patients

If you think a blog is only for food critics and stay-at-home moms, think again. Your blog serves many important functions, all of which can help you reach more patients.

Functions of a Blog:

  • Creates trust with potential patients.
  • Establishes your expertise in specific procedures.
  • Encourages backlinks.
  • Prompts social sharing.
  • Provides content for videos.
  • Can be a source of opt-in emails for your list.
  • Converts readers into patients (book a consultation, call now, get our specials, etc.).
  • Tells Google that your website is active.
  • Helps you rank in Google (when blog post is properly optimized).

Topics for Your Blog Posts:

Blogs are simply short articles where you share your knowledge or opinion about a topic. Some topics that work best with aesthetic readers include:

  1. Blog about current events (celebrity plastic surgery, FDA approval of a new device, etc.).
  2. Recovery tips after treatment.
  3. Benefits of a treatment or procedure.
  4. How to prepare for a specific procedure.
  5. How to maintain results after a treatment.
  6. Who is an ideal candidate for a specific treatment.
  7. How to choose a qualified specialist (plastic surgeon, cosmetic dentist, dermatologist, etc.).

 Blog Essentials for Doctors & Dentists

Learn about blogging essentials for aesthetic doctors & dentists. From EggStream Marketing.

© Gajus -

Blogging isn't as easy as writing a few paragraphs in WordPress and hitting your "Publish" button. There are some crucial elements to your blog post that you'll want to include for the best effect with your readers (as well as with Google).

First, make sure you title your blog so that the permalink (the URL) includes your keywords. This will help with rankings in Google. Other helpful elements for rankings include your title tag, meta description, alt text behind your images, heading tags, and including your keyword phrases in your content 4-6 times.

You need to plan for the "skimmers" and the "divers". Skimmers want to gloss over the content of your post and get the gist of what you're trying to say at a glance. This is why headers over paragraphs, bullet lists, and short paragraphs are extremely important. Don't overwhelm your skimmers with tons of long content!

For your "divers", make sure your content goes deep as far as the information you're providing. Some topics will be superficial (such as celebrity plastic surgery), but other topics require your expertise to be showcased in order to gain the trust of your readers who want as much information as possible.

Finally, speak to your webmaster about installing Google Analytics and social sharing buttons on your website & blog. Analytics data will provide you with valuable information about how many visits to each blog post, how long readers are staying on each page, and whether they visit other pages of your site after reading your blog posts.

Social sharing buttons allow your readers to share your content with others, which helps spread the word about your practice as well as boost your Google rankings (Google loves social sharing!).

Need Blogging Services for Your Aesthetic Practice?

Request our free resources for aesthetic practices to get more local patients. From EggStream Marketing for doctors & dentists.

© Denis Semenchenko -

We know you don't have the time to blog AND run a busy aesthetic practice. Our highly skilled medical writing team will provide you with expert level content that prompts readers to share it around the web, builds instant trust, and gets your posts ranked in the search engines so more local patients find you first. Call us today at (951) 665-8360 for a quote.

Hungry for more knowledge? Download our suite of free resources to reach more aesthetic patients. Simply request yours today!

You Get:

  1. Marketing Checklist
  2. Social Media Planner
  3. SEO Optimization Guide
  4. Video Marketing Infographic
  5. How Video Marketing Works (Powerpoint)