November 8, 2011

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How to Analyze Your Site for Better Profits

In your aesthetic practice, there’s no better medical marketing tool than your web site.  Sometimes visitors are looking to see if you perform a specific procedure that they are considering.  Others would simply like to read more about you before deciding whether to schedule a consultation.

Either way, your web site is often times the first contact your prospective patients have with you.  The very best way to capitalize on the patients who are ready to take action now is to analyze what sites they are coming from and hone in on the most profitable sources of traffic.


Free Analyzing Tools to Gather Site Information

The very best free tool that we can recommend is Google Analytics.  Simply go to Google and set up your Analytics account and within about 24-72 hours they will send you a unique identifier to add to your HTML code. Your site will then be ready to report traffic to each page of your site, plus many more useful statistics.

You can have your webmaster add the Google code to your site, but if you choose to do it yourself, you can easily paste the code into your HTML code in the location where Google tells you to add it. It’s quick and easy…and tracking of that page will start 24 hours after the code is added to that page.


What to Do with the Information

This is the most important aspect of the medical marketing process.  Once you have had your Analytics account going for about 4 weeks, you’ll have a good time frame in which you can analyze where your site visitors are coming from, how long they're staying, .  For instance, if you have a blog site or are doing social media marketing, you’ll be able to see which visitors have come from outside sites.

If you have expanded your efforts beyond blog posts and into press releases, social media marketing, guest blogging and other high-traffic online publication sites like Squidoo and Hubpages, you’ll know right away through your Analytics account (there is a 24 hour delay in reporting).  This is the one easy place you can look at to see all of your combined site traffic and know where it is coming from.


How to Use Google Analytics Information to Boost Site Traffic

To really get the most out of your site statistics, you’ll want to investigate the number of visitors from each source of traffic.  For example, if you published 5 blog posts in the prior 4 weeks, you’ll be able to see not only how many visitors found you through your blog posts, but which posts brought in the most traffic.  You’ll want to concentrate on expanding your future blog posts that cover the most popular topics in order to continue bringing in the most traffic to your blog.

You can apply this same  marketing strategy to every single stream of traffic that Google Analytics reports to you.  If your press releases didn’t do as well on one site, you can switch to another press release site and see if that one brings in more visitors for you.  Same thing with social media sites.  For our plastic surgeon and dermatology clients, Pinterest, Facebook, and Twitter have especially proven to be excellent sources of tons of good traffic!

We have also found that Facebook is so far the best of the three social media sites because you can target your audience to local patients through ads, promoted posts, and offers.  Taking this basic understanding and applying it to where you focus your cosmetic surgery marketing efforts will help increase your profitability almost immediately.